Déclaration médias solidaires

The NCRA/ANREC is happy to join and share the initiative to support Francophonie media across Canada.

”Supporting our media means protecting our culture and our economy

We are launching an initiative to invite you to support your media, your creators and your culture.

There are more than 8 million French speakers in Canada and we have just as many stories to tell. Your media, our media, tell what is happening in our country, they carry our stories and feed our collective imagination. They are part of our identity.

We have the immense privilege of having exceptional creators who offer you every day high-quality productions whose excellence is recognized throughout the world. Supporting your media means supporting these thousands of artists and artisans. It also means supporting thousands of people who work behind the scenes to inform and entertain you. Supporting your media also means supporting our economy.

What you watch, read or listen to makes a difference.

You have the power.

Choose platforms from us. Choose your media first.

  • Acadie Nouvelle
    Francis Sonier, editor-general manager
  • Alliance of Community Radios of Canada
    Gary Ouellette, President
  • Altomedia, The Metropolitan-The Regional-The Action-The Rempart
    Denis Poirier, president
  • AMI Télé
    Isabella Federigi, Vice President, Content Development and Programming
  • APTN
    Monika Ille, CEO
  • Arsenal Media
    Sylvain Chamberland, President and CEO
  • Bell Media
    Suzane Landry, Vice President, Content Development, Programming and Information
  • Canal M, the voice of inclusion
    Philippe Lapointe, broadcast director
  • Corus French-language specialty channels
    Julie Godon, general manager
  • Codiac FM
    Cédric Ayisa, General Manager
  • Cogeco Media
    Caroline Jamet, President
  • National Cooperative of Independent Information (Cn2i)
    Geneviève Rossier, General Director
  • Francopresse
    Julie Cayouette, editor-in-chief
  • Frontière-FM
    Serge Parent, president
  • Hebdos Québec
    Benoit Chartier, Chairman of the Board of Directors
  • Icimédias
    Renel Bouchard, president
  • Agricom Journal
    André Dumont, vice-president
  • Journal La Liberté
    Sophie Gaulin, director and editor-in-chief
  • Journal La Source
    Mamadou Gangué, founder and director of publication and editorial staff
  • KO Media and KO Editions
    Sophie Banford, general manager
  • News
    Eric Grenier, editor-in-chief
  • La Presse
    Florence Turpault-Desroches, Vice-President, Communications and Philanthropy
  • The Canadian Press
    Frédéric Vanasse, general director and publisher
  • Association of Community Radio Broadcasters of Quebec (ARCQ)
    Sandra McNeil, President
  • Superstation CKLE 92.9 FM CJVA 94.1 FM
    Danie Aubé, director
  • The Northern Lights
    Maryne Dumaine, director
  • The Acadian Voice
    Marcia Enman, director
  • The Nova Scotia Courier
    Nicolas Jean, General Manager
  • Le Devoir
    Brian Myles, director
  • Gaboteur
    Idriss Chafroud, general manager
  • The Pratico Group
    Jean Labranche, president
  • Ténois Media, L’Aquilon Journal – Radio Taïga
    Nicolas Servel, general manager
  • Radio Beauséjour Inc., CJSE-Plus 90-Le Moniteur Acadien
    Jason Ouellette, General Manager
  • Radio-Canada
    Dany Meloul, Senior Vice President
  • Radios C105 – C98 – C93 – C90
    Laurent de Lavenne, general manager
  • Network.Press
    François Legault, general director
  • Ricardo Media
    Brigitte Coutu, president and publisher
  • RNC Media
    Robert Ranger, President and CEO
  • Media Knowledge
    Marie-Josée Lestage, General Manager
  • Télé-Québec
    Marie Collin, President and CEO
  • TFO
    Xavier Brassard-Bédard, President and CEO
  • Tribune: The Voice of West Nipissing
    Suzanne Gammon, editor
  • TV5 Québec Canada
    Marie-Claude Caron, interim president
  • National Campus and Community Radio Association/ Association nationale des radios étudiantes et communautaires
    Barry Rooke, Executive Director



Nous lançons une initiative pour vous inviter à soutenir vos médias, vos créateurs et

votre culture.

Nous sommes plus de 8 millions de francophones au Canada et avons autant d’histoires à raconter. Vos médias, nos médias, racontent ce qui se passe chez nous, ils portent nos histoires et nourrissent notre imaginaire collectif. Ils font partie de notre identité. 

Nous avons l’immense privilège d’avoir des créateurs exceptionnels qui vous proposent chaque jour des productions d’une grande qualité dont l’excellence est reconnue partout dans le monde. Soutenir vos médias, c’est soutenir ces milliers d’artistes et artisans. C’est soutenir aussi des milliers de personnes qui travaillent dans l’ombre pour vous informer et vous divertir. Soutenir vos médias, c’est aussi soutenir notre économie.

Ce que vous regardez, lisez ou écoutez fait une différence.

Vous avez le pouvoir.

Choisissez les plateformes de chez nous. Choisissez vos médias d’abord.”

Read the full article here

Best Regards,

Eloisa Veliz, Marketing and Outreach Coordinator.

About the Author

Eloisa NCRA