Barry Rooke (CAE) – Executive Director – [he/him]

Barry Rooke has been the Executive Director for the National Campus and Community Radio Association / l’Association nationale des radios étudiantes et communautaires (NCRA/ANREC) since May of 2015. He oversees the day-to-day operations of the organization, including lobbying/advocacy, training and development, services, regulatory support and much more along with supporting the Board of Directors in Strategic Planning. Before joining the NCRA/ANREC, Barry worked at a number of radio stations, including Station Manager and Board Chair for 7+ years at CFRU FM in Guelph, ON. He has a Radio & TV Broadcasting Degree, a Master of Science in looking at how radio used social media and holds a CAE designation in supporting associations. Additionally, he runs Cider Canada / Cidre Canada, the national cider association.
Eloisa Veliz – Marketing & Outreach – [she/her]

Eloisa moved to Canada from Venezuela 10 years ago and has lived in Ottawa ever since. Eloisa graduated from Algonquin College in 2020 with an Advanced Diploma with Honours in Marketing and Advertising Communications Management. She has a high level of proficiency in both Spanish and English. Since graduating she has done volunteer work regarding designing and managing social media platforms.
Catherine Fisher – CanAds Sales Coordinator – [She/Her]

Catherine has been involved in campus/community radio for over 20 years, sitting on the NCRA/ANREC Regulatory Committee, as well as the past president of the Association. Catherine spends her time with CJLY-FM, Kootenay Coop Radio in Nelson, BC
Carrie Fisher – Operations Director – [She/Her]

With thirty years of experience, Carrie’s extensive professional background includes executive management, consultation, development, marketing and public relations for notable businesses and non-profit organizations throughout Canada, including the United Way and the University of Calgary.
Carrie is extremely passionate about philanthropy, human rights & freedom, community development, continual education and making this world a better place for everyone. She is involved in several organizations including the Leadership Education Program at Western University, Pillar Non-Profit Network and Operation Underground Railroad, an activist charitable organization rescuing human trafficking victims around the world.
In her spare time Carrie enjoys a good comedy show, culinary arts, music, outdoor and family time with her daughter Sophia, and Quinn her German Shepherd.
Past Staff
Executive Directors
Executive Director 2010-2015: Shelley Robinson
Executive Director 2008-2010: Kevin Mathews
National Coordinator 2002-2008: Melissa Kaestner
Office Staff
Director of Learning & Development 2015-2022 Luke Smith
!Earshot Disro Development Coordinator 2016-2019 Patrick Grimshaw
Marketing and Outreach Coordinator 2017: Juanita Muwanga
RVF Project Coordinator 2016-2017: Patrick Auguste
National Advertising Coordinator: Francella Faillos
Membership Coordinator and Resonating Reconciliation Project Materials Coordinator: Kari Benninghaus
Friends of Community Radio Coordinator: Penny Clark
Resonating Reconciliation Outreach Coordinator: Gunargie O’Sullivan
Regulatory Support Guide: Veronique Hynes
OIMA Aboriginal Music Coordinator and Red Jam Slam Youth Outreach: Will Lafrance
Membership Coordinator 2012-2013: Alan Sovran
Membership Coordinator 2011: Kim Vallière
Membership Coordinator 2008-2010: Shelley Robinson
Membership Coordinator 2008: Afeisha James
Assistant Coordinator 2003-2005: Tracy Martin
Assistant Coordinator 2002-2003: Mark Crozer
Summer and/or Temporary Staff
AGMeeting Data and Website 2021: Ife Jibola & Brijesha Patel
Website and Data Manager 2021: Taylor Duggan & Joshua Nascimento
Design and Communications Officer 2020: Sophie Noel & Peter Albert
OIMA Aboriginal Music Archive Co-Coordinator 2013: Andrew Kerr
Copyright Handbook Editor 2013: Bonnie O’Sullivan
OIMA World Music Archive Coordinator 2013: Swadhi Thanabalasingam
OIMA Aboriginal Music Archive Co-Coordinator 2013: Emma Wolno
Regulatory Support Guide Editor 2011: David Meffe
disAbilities Handbook Editor 2011: Steffanie Pinch
Researcher on Aboriginal Languages Preservation 2009: Kiera Kolson
Assistant Coordinator 2006: Barbara Dobrovitz
Promotions and Media Resources Assistant 2006: Karen Patterson
Communications and Public Relations Assistant 2005: Ian Cook
Ontario Independent Music Archive (OIMA)
Eastern Ontario Music Archive Coordinator: Joni Sadler
Eastern Ontario Music Archive Coordinator: Chris White
Toronto Music Archive Coordinator: Laura Dymock
Francophone Music Archive Coordinator: Denyse Marleau
South-western Ontario Music Archive Coordinator: Mario Circelli
GTA Music Archive Coordinator: Jonathan Martel
Aboriginal Music Archive Coordinator: Clarence Michon
Northern Ontario Music Archive Coordinator: Jason Wellwood
GroundWire Summer Production Coordinator: Rachel Swatek
Coordinator 2009: Jacky Tuinstra-Harrison
Dig Your Roots
Regional Coordinators 2006-2007: John Braithwaite, Jonathan Davies, Luke Meat, Kasia Morrison, Eric Warner
Regional Coordinators 2005-2006: Antoine Bédard, Ruth Gardiner-Roy, Valerey Lavergne, Catherine Martin, Amil Niazi, Christina Paul, Kim (Ziervogel) Wheeler
Aboriginal Coordinator 2005: Marek Tyler
Regional Coordinators 2004-2005: Emily Bodenberg, Zoë Creighton, Chris Laursen, George Lessard, Brent Mason, Leena Minifie
Regional Coordinators 2003-2004: Lauren Burrows, Stuart Duncan, Eleanor King, Rob Nay, Erin Whittaker
Regional Coordinators 2002-2003: Joe Bowser, Mark Crozer, Andrew Masuda, Alex Megelas, Deanna Radford, Chuck Teed
Radio Free Logger
Developer 2005-2006: Daniel Klein
NCRC 2006
Conference Coordinator: Sarah Boothroyd
Women In Radio Coordinator: Carly Beath
Logistics Coordinator: Chris Cwynar
Community Radio Study
Researcer and Writer 2006: Jim Riva
Women’s Hands and Voices
Project Coordinator 2003-2005: Fiona York
Researcher 2004-2005: Elleni Centime Zeleke
Gender Analysis Consultants 2004-2005: Maren Hancock and Sharmeen Khan
Designer 2004-2005: Lisa Lunn
Strategic and Resource Development Staff and Consultants
Development Director 2005-2006: Mark McLeod
Strategic Consultant 2002: Alan Wong