November 1 2022
Hello Members
We are thrilled to announce our new NCRA/ANREC Board of Directors and a successful 2022 AGM. Thank you to the 22 stations that participated in the AGM. Here are the highlights.
New Bylaws:
The new bylaws (with one change below) have been updated on our website. The approved bylaw changes is:
The Membership shall elect no less than fifty percent (50%) women to the Board. Elections must satisfy this requirement or be declared null and void (Amended July 1990, July 1991).
Elections to the Board shall result in a diversity of genders and significant representation of underrepresented groups to the Board as defined by our Leadership Representation Policy. Elections must satisfy this requirement or be declared null and void to the extent of the inconsistency. (Approved October 2022)
Member Motion Passes:
In summary, the NCRA/ANREC board will produce two reports in advance of the 2023 report, one reviewing and proposing adjustments to The NCRA/ANREC Statement of Principles, Mission Statement, and Objectives of the NCRA, and one proposing reviewing/incorporating/dismantling the Member Motions which are challenging, dated and pose operational issues with many that conflict and have not been updated in over 20 years.
NCRA/ANREC Board Members 2022-2023:
- Mark Kilfoil – CHSR-FM – term ends 2023
- Randy Reid – CHRY-FM – term ends 2023
- Ana Rose Carrico – CiTR-FM – Term ends 2023
- Malik Nembhard – CJAM-FM – Term ends 2023
- Adriel Smiley – CJRU FM – Term ends 2024
- Matt Mabee – CINB FM – Term ends 2024
New President:
Mark Kilfoil of CHSR has been nominated and confirmed by the membership to be the NCRA/ANREC President for the remainder of the 2022-2023 year. Randy Reid steps back but remains on the NCRA/ANREC Board of Directors
Statement from the President:
It is my honour and privilege to have been working with this organization as a Board Member and Treasurer, and I feel excited and committed to taking on the new role as President. I look forward to helping the organization carefully strengthen and streamline itself. I firmly believe that together – combining the collective experience, knowledge and determination of campus & community stations across the country with the central stewardship and services of the NCRA – we all have a bright and long-lasting future in broadcasting, community service, and telling great and important stories. -MK
2023 AGM:
The NCRA/ANREC Board looks to announce a June date for the 2023 AGM, a shorter year putting the organization back into its typical 12-month schedule. The AGM will NOT be part of the NCRC in Calgary, but online after the conference.
The NCRA/ANREC will be announcing a by-election, as per our Bylaws to fill 4 positions: We are specifically looking for non-males (at least one from North, Prairies or Quebec) and an indigenous representative to join the board for the next two years (which would most likely be closer to 20 months). Watch for an email.
If you wish to see the unofficial minutes, please see here:
Barry Rooke
NCRA/ANREC Executive Director